Sunday, July 17, 2011

Yes, I've Been Busy Doing Nothing

D came to visit for a few days and had a blast, I think. We even did a two-mile walk and beachcomb in the light cold rain. He had to be either bored to tears or having fun for that. Oh, and I paid him five bucks per mile. It worked, he had fun and almost forgot about the money. Almost.

Speaking of money, my dear friend in early sobriety Ingrid introduced me to this concept, one of "AA money" as she used to call it. If we're trying our best to do good by ourselves and others we can make it through periods of financial instability she said, often without realising it. Occasionally, just as we need it most and least expect it, a check from a refund or some other form of capital will appear, usually a modest amount but sufficient for the need at hand.

Since she pointed it out to me those years ago I've noted many times in my life the appearance of "AA money," an otherwise out-of-the-blue bit of fortune. I got some recently myself and was able to stock up on the needed art supplies to make it through winter. So, I got to have my party cake and eat it too after all, regarding the whole move and new career here in Devil's Lake.

I will have to come up with the funds to get canvases stretched, though. I've figured out how to use the raw material properly but it's kinda of inconvenient; I'll explain it at Picasso Lowbrow later.

The mating pair of ospreys sure are magnificent and beautiful when they perch in the dead white tree outside. Larger than falcons, not quite as big as the occasional bald eagles that come by, the ospreys are by far more bold and bright in color and style. Mom and Bambi walked by the back door last week, a very healthy doe and fawn. Mom was FAT. I'm not kidding, a fat deer. I snuck up on a doe down by the canal yesterday, got my face within 5 feet of her face by sneaking around a bush. I snuck up on a deer and got five feet away. I was walking on asphalt. These deer are NOT wild.

I've met a few of my human neighbors, too. The best way to describe this town seems to be that of retired white blue collar folk. There's a younger and local set of demographics, sure, and not everyone is retired or blue collar. But that would be the safe generalization, I think, ignoring political feelings or beliefs and just looking at the numbers.

The beach, north and south of D River, is becoming familiar though it changes constantly. There was an incredible low tide with a southern wind and rain this week, pushing the surf line out an extra 100 yards from a regular low tide. Truly, the water had dropped six solid feet in depth but it was still shallow out to the edge of the continental shelf, it seems. A lot of sand, I bet it's all from the Columbia over eons.


About the sex history... before starting, let's remember the context is what should I be telling, if anything, to my grandkids about sex. Going through one's life history of sex seems to me to be a proper step any adult should take before deciding how to answer questions about the birds and bees the younger ones -- or even our peers -- might ask.

I was in the Navy, about to marry Melissa. I'll bring it up there next time.


Speaking of that time and these folks, the name of the groupie I mentioned was Laura. Kip knows better than most we weren't a band, we didn't really have groupies, and I hope I didn't seem like I alluding to some stardom or power, for I can assure you I had neither. But, Laura did hang out with us because of the music and the other stuff, like fill in the blanks: Sex, _____, and Rock and Roll. But people DID throw popcorn at me when I played bass, didn't they Kip? LOL!!!

Last I heard Jack of the famous Texas Knights was making and selling silver cowboy jewelry and hardware somewhere around Kerrville, I believe.


The painting is fun, I'm learning a lot. I just ordered the new camera battery charger, along with a gallon of my favorite oils, all from Amazon. So, maybe by Aug. 1 I'll have a gallery to show here online.

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