Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Watching Magnum Force

Right before the hoods shoot Otter from Animal House.

Anyway, they get an anonymous phone tip about a cop going to hit them. I never noticed, but the next scene is the hoods getting ready for the hit and discussing the appearance of the law. Everything the hoods say is correct. Had the cops come in as expected, even in suits, there’d have been no firing. The whole incident is there to vindicate Dirty Harry, and the scenes show this because he couldn’t have made the call to the hoods.

Clint was in his car.

Cell phones have changed everything. Even the way I look at the past, and older movies. PS: Check out Clint’s hair-do in “Play Misty for Me.” I bet Farrah Fawcett saw that movie before becoming an actress.


The beach is crap for walking during peak high tides. Only soft sand is available.
Oddly, the exposed sand at low tide is firmer than the always dry sand. It’s a great walking surface, barefoot or not.

Also, the water is warmer than one might think, especially south of the D River. A surprising volume in flow, this river has actually increased the size of its delta along the beach since June, though we’ve no rain to speak of. It eats about a quarter-mile of beach south of the bridge.

I need to spend more time along the bay, too. I like that neighborhood. So, I wonder, why am I sitting here at mid-day writing this while the sun shines and it’s a balmy 65 outside? The answer seems obvious.


When high tide is during prime daylight and the studio is backed up with paintings drying, there’s really not a lot to do. I clean the tools, the apartment, me – my cuticles are stained blue because of the oil paints and thinner – and take care of household business. That kills two hours.


On a walk inland I located a trail into Devils Lake State Park, a sort of back entrance. I’m also certain one can get into the park via the slough just a few hundred yards away, but that’s some serious swamp back in there. Too much like where I grew up to entice me into it, even if there aren’t any comparisons when it comes to bugs. Texas wins.

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